From My Creative Journal.

This is my quiet space to share the projects and thoughts from my creative journal pages.


“In solitude, we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us.”

— Virginia Woolf

Travel Helen Travel Helen

In Search of Something Special

Around a year or so ago an unexpected opportunity for a trip came my way. I hopped on a long-haul flight to California and left behind the grey skies of Manchester. Fortunately I also managed to escape The Beast from the East and the freezing weather!

So what have you been up to dear friends? Yes it's been a while since I was last here! All sorts of reasons. Plenty of reflecting and certainly plenty of creating. The time feels right to blow the cake crumbs off the keyboard and re-emerge. It's true to say I've missed this space. 


But I do need to step backwards in time here before I can begin to move forward. There are significant gaps to address. My trip to Barcelona had left me yearning to travel and I felt increasingly restless. Politics in the UK and the ensuing chaos and division unsettled me. My iMac slowly died on me too and uploading photos became a chore rather than a pleasure.


Around a year or so ago an unexpected opportunity for a trip came my way. I hopped on a long-haul flight and left behind the grey skies of Manchester.  Fortunately I also managed to escape The Beast from the East and the freezing weather! 


Fifteen hours later I landed in sunny California for the start of my adventure. 

Photographing Joshua Trees in the desert has been at the very top of my creative bucket list for many, many years. I remember way back being so intrigued by the enigmatic artwork of the U2 album The Joshua Tree. I had to see them for myself one day. 

Let me state from the start that I'm terrified of snakes so venturing into the desert was big deal for me! I'm SO glad I packed my boots in my suitcase! The thought of encountering a harmless grass snake in the UK makes me hyperventilate. The thought of coming across a rattler, well, I was worried I'd pass out with fear! And this was just the track to the house!


The rental oozed vintage and style inside and out. To say my heart was singing was an understatement. Think old type-writers and a working record player complete with a vintage vinyl collection! 


Just a few steps from the doorway and the wide open space was nothing like I had ever experienced before. I contemplated the power of nature and the fragility of human life in such a hostile, yet beautiful environment. 


Even the potted plants with their lengthy thorns commanded respect!


I didn't like to get too close to this arrangement of pots and prickly bits as I was still nervous of what could be lurking in the cool shadows!


And finally, especially for all my friends who appreciate rust and grunge! 


I hadn't quite yet reached as far as the Joshua Tree National Park but the question was beginning to prey on my mind as to what if it didn't live up to expectations? Deep inside I knew that I'd be bitterly disappointed. And then what to do after you've ticked off the top item on your bucket list? I had nothing else to fall back on. 


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