To The Edge of Stanage

Stanage Edge in the Peak District

If one really loves nature, one can find beauty everywhere
— Vincent van Gogh

After being indoors for most of the festive holiday period I was keen to pull on my walking boots and get out into the countryside. Stanage Edge in the Peak District was my chosen destination. On a clear day you can see for miles and miles so I knew that spectacular views were more or less guaranteed. It's the perfect place for quiet contemplation although at times it can be busy with lines of walkers snaking along the ridge. Today was a 'busy' day!


View on the way up towards the edge


For a while now I've been dabbling in making videos of the places I explore with my camera. True to say that these have been rough around the edges but I hoped to capture the spirit of my adventures and that, for me, is what it's all about.  I was looking for something which offered a quick and easy workflow and decided that filming and editing straight with my iPhone was the best way forward in the short term. I thought it'd be fun to share! 


So here's one I put together on my walk up to Stanage Edge in the Peak District. It's not perfect but I'm ok with that! I know where I can improve next time.


Anyway, I hope this gives you an idea of the wild and wind-swept landscape by Stanage Edge.


Interesting rock formations


On the way home I passed through Hope village and stopped at the Grasshopper Cafe for a delicious pumpkin-spiced hot chocolate. I used to call in here 20+ years ago when it was the Woodbine Cafe and they served a perfect Camper's Breakfast all day long!


The Tree Project. January.


Inspiration Rises from the Mist