The Tree Project March 2020.



In anticipation of Spring.

As we grow closer to the end of winter what will spring bring?

More storms.

Fallen trees.

And then everything changed.

After the storms

After the storms

To The Fallen Trees

Firstly, to put your mind at rest, this was not filmed near to our tree! A visit will be planned there later in the month. I mainly need to decide on a film to test.

To keep up the video-making momentum I’m aiming to put together at least one piece of work each month. To be posting a video so early in March is an achievement!

The UK was hit with three storms in February. Storm Jorge followed hot on the heels of Storm Dennis and the previous Storm Ciara. High winds swept across the country.

The 1st of March brought welcome sunshine and blue sky. Although I think greyness would’ve matched the sadness of the trees and the sombre music in the video. I can easily spend a couple of hours browsing music. The piece I selected has an air of sadness and reflection which I thought was quite fitting for the fallen ancient trees.

Little did I know that the world was about to become gripped by fear.


And then everything changed.

The world watches in fear as the coronavirus takes hold.

Like a wave it ripples across the globe from one country to the next, and to the next and the next…


What will April bring?

The certainty is that I won’t be visiting our tree.


wordsworth  street

And finally some gentle words during these times of worry.

“I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Daffodils William Wordsworth.


February 2020


April 2020